4 Severe Instances You Need to Call an Emergency Vet for Your Pet

Having a healthy pet is just as fulfilling as having a healthy child. However, just like humans, pets are susceptible to developing some health problems during their lifetime. There is usually no need for concern if your dog or cat is suffering from a small injury or perhaps some slight skin irritation. If the problem persists, that is when it is time to run to the vet clinic to seek some professional services. However, there are a few instances where you should not waste even a single minute before contacting the veterinary doctor as your pet's life may very well depend on it. Here are some of those instances where you should immediately seek professional assistance for your pet.

1. Having Seizures

Having seizures is not a common occurrence in animals, and thus when this happens, there is need for you to be concerned. Seizures are normally caused by toxins, which may cause fatal reactions. Therefore, if you witness such a scenario generally characterised by twitching, collapsing and foam forming in the mouth, it is highly advisable that you immediately seek a vet's assistance.

2. Not Ingesting Any Food or Fluid

You don't need to be an expert to know that something is utterly wrong with your dog if it's not interested in the dog biscuits you've served it or your cat when it walks past a bowl of milk. This is not a good sign, as it shows your pet is sick and can progressively get sicker if immediate action is not taken. Skipping meals for a whole day will lead to your pet growing weaker and dehydrated if it is not taking enough water.

3. Bloat

Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation, is one of the most urgently life-threatening circumstances your pet can face. It is normally characterised by abnormal panting, restlessness, and abdominal distention. Noticing that your pet is having trouble lying down comfortably is also another common characteristic. Due to its urgency, it is highly recommended that you rush your pet to the nearest vet clinic upon realising any signs pertaining to bloat. 

4. Experiencing Difficulty in Breathing

This has got to be the pinnacle of all these problems. Your average pet can only stay for three minutes without breathing, making this condition the most life-threatening of all the health problems. Difficulty in breathing can be characterised by heavy breaths, making noises when breathing, puffing lips when breathing or not breathing at all. If you happen to see any of these symptoms being exhibited by your pet, drop everything you're doing at once and call a vet.

Guidelines to Assess Urgency of the Situation

Here are some general guidelines that you could use to assess the urgency of the situation:

  1. Always observe your pet for any abnormal behavior.
  2. Regularly check your pet's gums. They give you a great deal of info on blood circulation. If the gums appear pink, then you have a perfectly normal pet. However, if they appear either red, blue or pale, then you have a reason to worry.
  3. Always utilise your telephone service. Instead of panicking, you could use your mobile to get in touch with a veterinarian and he could advise you on what to do. Some situations may not even require the vet to come over or perhaps, he or she could enlighten you on some first aid procedures you could perform on your pet before he or she gets there. 

Be sure to keep the number of an emergency vet handy so you can call quickly in case of a crisis.
