How To Tell If Your Reptile Needs A Visit To The Vet

While there is an abundance of resources out there for pet owners who have cats, dogs, birds and fish all over their home, there is less information out there for reptile owners. Reptiles are just far less common of a pet, but that does not mean they deserve any less respect or love. Often the hardest part of fixing an issue with your reptile is discovering it has one in the first place because they do not always present their problems like other animals. Here are a few ways you might be able to discern that your reptile friend is struggling. 

Food Glorious Food

Something that all animals have in common is a regular schedule for eating and enjoying food. If your reptile, whether it is a snake, lizard or something in between, isn't chomping down on their allocated food for the day like they used to then something is not right. It could be something as serious as an issue with their internal organs or it might just be your pet being pickier for some reason; whatever the case, you need an expert opinion to ensure that your reptile can get back to eating their food like they used to.


Reptiles don't always have a lot of colour, but when they have issues with their health, often they will change colour or at least the hue or intensity of the colour will become muter. Discolouration can also happen not just on the outside but in the mouth, so try and get a glimpse in there if you can (and when it is not trying to bite you). If you are sure that your reptile used to be a different colour and can't figure out why it has changed, then having a second opinion that is backed up by a veterinary degree is a good idea.


If your reptile seems to be weaker than it used to be (perhaps it falls off the climbing equipment you have provided for it, or maybe it cannot even hunt its food quick enough), then it may be suffering from a serious internal disease. At the very least, something is wrong, and while it may just be old age, it warrants a diagnosis. An animal that is weak and not able to do what it used to can quickly become depressed, and that will be even worse for its outlook.

Reach out to a local vet if you notice any of the above signs.
